Privacy Policy VidGen AI

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

At NovaX Labs LTD, safeguarding your privacy and the security of your personal information is our top priority. This Privacy Policy is designed to be transparent about our practices regarding the collection, use, and handling of your information when you use VidGen AI (“the App”). We are dedicated to protecting your data with the utmost care and using it responsibly, ensuring that your experience with VidGen AI is both safe and enjoyable.

Information We Collect:

User-Provided Information: When engaging with VidGen AI, you might supply us with specific data voluntarily, such as text inputs that guide video generation, preferences, and feedback.

Device Information: We collect data regarding your device, like the make, operating system version, and other pertinent specifications to optimize our app’s performance for your hardware.

Usage Information: Insights into how you interact with VidGen AI, including frequency of use, feature preferences, and video generation patterns, are collected to enhance your user experience.

Analytics Information: Employing third-party analytics, we gain a deeper understanding of user interaction within the App. This encompasses frequently accessed features, session durations, and other valuable analytics to inform our development and innovation efforts.

How We Use Information:

The collected information serves to:

  • Deliver personalized video content based on your text inputs.
  • Continuously refine and augment the App’s functionality and user interface.
  • Analyze user engagement and behavior to steer the evolution of new features and services.
  • Communicate updates and important notifications related to VidGen AI.

Sharing of Information:

We may partner with third-party service providers for data analysis, technical support, and other essential services. These entities have access to your data solely for performing their assigned tasks on our behalf and are bound by strict confidentiality agreements.

Additionally, we reserve the right to disclose information to law enforcement or other entities if mandated by law or if such action is deemed necessary to safeguard our rights, our users’ safety, or public welfare.


Adopting reasonable security measures, we strive to safeguard your information against loss, theft, unauthorized access, and misuse. While our security protocols include encryption and secure server storage, please be aware that no system can guarantee absolute security.

Children’s Privacy:

VidGen AI is not designed for children under 13. We do not knowingly collect data from children in this age group. Upon discovery of such information, we will take immediate steps to erase it.

Changes to This Policy:

This Privacy Policy may evolve. Significant changes will be communicated through the App or other means, ensuring you are informed. Continued use of VidGen AI after these updates implies acceptance of the revised policy.

Contact Information:

For questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or your data privacy within VidGen AI, please contact us at

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us at NovaX Labs LTD, and we are dedicated to safeguarding it through VidGen AI.